
Top Rated by

Affordable Coding Bootcamp

4.6/5 Facebook Reviews

Coding Bootcamp — Train For A High Paying Career

Become a Web Developer in 8 weeks

+ optional Internship

Enroll for April 29th & Bring a Friend for FREE

NEW Generative AI Module

Attend In-Person or Online

Flexible Schedules for Full-time Jobs
Beginner Friendly
Flexible Payment Options

Class Begins April 29, 2024

Seats are limited 10 in-person & 10 online.

Jax Code Academy graduates hired at

April 29

Next start date for coding & AI bootcamp


Most Affordable
Complete Bootcamp

70K - 140K​

Avg Nationwide
Tech salary range


After Bootcamp

Ready for a career upgrade? Coding bootcamp is the fastest route to success.

Many people stay at jobs they don’t love and that don’t pay enough.

As our world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, you’ve probably heard that software development is the best industry to be in.

But — navigating the tech industry on your own is difficult, time-consuming, and falls short for so many people.

Maybe you’re just starting out, and you’re being pulled in a million different directions… 

How can I build my skills quickly? 

How do I get work without tech experience on my portfolio? 

What can I do to set myself apart from the sea of developers?

OR maybe you’re FLYING… and you’re ready to level up your in career.

Either way, you need MORE. More security, a higher-paying job, more time with your family, and more freedom — and you need it fast.

That’s Where A Coding Bootcamp Comes In.

A coding bootcamp is a fast-track to building the life you want.

Jacksonville, Florida

Welcome to Jax Code Academy

Free hot and cold beverages
Conference Room
High Tech Classroom
Shared Space
State of the Art Facilities

Jax Code Academy gives you the skills, support, and resources to transform your career in 8 weeks. 

Bootcamps are unique programs which rapidly develop skills in a real-word context. You’ll complete Bootcamp with everything you need to secure a job in the tech field. 

At Coding & AI Bootcamp, you’ll learn the latest and most popular web technologies — master the tools and tech behind the websites and applications you use everyday. Career services are also an important part of bootcamp.   

Without a Bootcamp

With Jax Code Academy

With Other Bootcamps

No clear learning path Become an experienced Web Developer, working on large projects and on teams Learn to code by yourself
No structure or support Flexible schedules Rigid schedules or self-study
Online-only tutorials In-person and live online classes Online only, often pre-recorded
Stuck at roadblocks Instructors available Mon-Sun Limited assistance, only through grades or preset calls
No experience for your resume Internships available No Internship
Free youtube exercises or money wasted on mini-courses Affordable tuition & flexible payment options $10,000 - $30,000+
No guidance or career services Guidance while applying for jobs DURING Bootcamp Advice for job hunting after Bootcamp

Overview of Full-Stack Coding & AI Bootcamp

This is an immersive Full-Stack Web Development & AI Program. Student’s learn the skills and tools to secure a high-paying job in tech. 

Bootcamp will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of both front-end and back-end development, along with a deep dive into AI and prompt engineering. Build complex, AI-powered web applications and stand out in the job market.

Next Start Date

April 29, 2024

Program length

8 weeks + optional internship


In-person and/or Online


Mon – Wed

11am – 2pm

No tech experience required. Beginners welcome.

Limited In-person seats.

Jax Code Academy

Coding & AI Bootcamp

Module 1

Coding Fundamentals

A comprehensive introduction to web development. On day 1, you’ll set up your development environment, and then start coding! Master HTML, CSS, Git, and the Command Line Interface.

Start by adding elements, styling, and structure to webpages. Use Git to track changes in your code, AND use Github to collaborate on code with a dev team. Interact with your computer’s operating system via the Command Line Interface.

  • Software
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Git/Github
  • Debugging
  • Command Line Interface (CLI)


Module 2


Dive into JavaScript, exploring core concepts, syntax, and functionality. Learn how to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM), handle events, validate data, and create web pages that are dynamic and interactive. 

Also, develop an understanding of asynchronous programming and discover how to effectively utilize APIs to supercharge your applications.

  • Javascript
  • APIs
  • DOM Manipulation
  • JSON
  • Asynchronous
  • User Interactions
  • Webhooks
  • Animation

Module 3

MERN Stack

Students learn how to build responsive full-stack web applications using this popular JavaScript-based technology stack. 

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React
  • Node
  • RESTful API
  • Deployment

Module 4

LAMP Stack

This tech stack provides a robust environment for building and deploying dynamic web apps. Learn database interaction, user authentication, authorization, server deployment, and SQL databases.

  • PHP
  • SQL Databases
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Server Deployment

Module 5

AI & Machine Learning

Cap off your coding bootcamp with AI and machine learning, mastering data-driven decisions and advanced algorithms for real-world applications.

  • Prompt Engineering
  • Automation
  • Debugging
  • Predictive Analytics

Coding & AI bootcamp will follow the entire curriculum. However, occasionally a student will choose to concentrate on an area of study which aligns with their specific interests.

Build Full-Scale Applications On Dev Teams

Students are encouraged to start applying for jobs during bootcamp. This way, you get expert guidance through the job search and hiring process. Many Jax Code Academy students land jobs while attending bootcamp!
  • Your mentors & instructors will review and refine your resume, portfolio, and LinkedIn page
  • Get expert advice on choosing which jobs to apply for, based on industry knowledge and success of Jax Code graduates who landed jobs while at bootcamp
  • Interview prep is based on the specific jobs you’ve applied for, positioning you as the ideal candidate

Build Your Portfolio

Students are encouraged to start applying for jobs during bootcamp. This way, you get expert guidance through the job search and hiring process. Many Jax Code Academy students land jobs while attending bootcamp!
  • Your mentors & instructors will review and refine your resume, portfolio, and LinkedIn page
  • Get expert advice on choosing which jobs to apply for, based on industry knowledge and success of Jax Code graduates who landed jobs while at bootcamp
  • Interview prep is based on the specific jobs you’ve applied for, positioning you as the ideal candidate

1-on-1 Mentoring and Career Coaching

Students are encouraged to start applying for jobs during bootcamp. This way, you get expert guidance through the job search and hiring process. Many Jax Code Academy students land jobs while attending bootcamp!

Join the virtual Jax Code Members Portal

Gain a large community of students, mentors, instructors, and graduates. This way, you get expert guidance through the job search and hiring process. Many Jax Code Academy students land jobs while attending bootcamp!

Instructors available 7 days per week

Students are encouraged to start applying for jobs during bootcamp. This way, you get expert guidance through the job search and hiring process. Many Jax Code Academy students land jobs while attending bootcamp!

Gain A Community And Grow Your Network

Students are encouraged to start applying for jobs during bootcamp. This way, you get expert guidance through the job search and hiring process. Many Jax Code Academy students land jobs while attending bootcamp!
  • Your mentors & instructors will review and refine your resume, portfolio, and LinkedIn page
  • Get expert advice on choosing which jobs to apply for, based on industry knowledge and success of Jax Code graduates who landed jobs while at bootcamp
  • Interview prep is based on the specific jobs you’ve applied for, positioning you as the ideal candidate

Your time at Jax Code Academy


Interactive Lectures

A comprehensive introduction to web development. On day 1, you’ll set up your development environment, and then start coding! Master HTML, CSS, Git, and the Command Line Interface.

Start by adding elements, styling, and structure to webpages. Use Git to track changes in your code, AND use Github to collaborate on code with a dev team. Interact with your computer’s operating system via the Command Line Interface.

Project-Based Workshops

Dive into JavaScript, exploring core concepts, syntax, and functionality. Learn how to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM), handle events, validate data, and create web pages that are dynamic and interactive. 

Also, develop an understanding of asynchronous programming and discover how to effectively utilize APIs to supercharge your applications.

Tech Roundtables

Students learn how to build responsive full-stack web applications using this popular JavaScript-based technology stack. 


This tech stack provides a robust environment for building and deploying dynamic web apps. Learn database interaction, user authentication, authorization, server deployment, and SQL databases.

Interview Prep

Cap off your coding bootcamp with AI and machine learning, mastering data-driven decisions and advanced algorithms for real-world applications.

Apply For Jobs DURING Coding Bootcamp

Students are encouraged to start applying for jobs during bootcamp. This way, you get expert guidance through the job search and hiring process. Many Jax Code Academy students land jobs while attending bootcamp!
  • Your mentors & instructors will review and refine your resume, portfolio, and LinkedIn page
  • Get expert advice on choosing which jobs to apply for, based on industry knowledge and success of Jax Code graduates who landed jobs while at bootcamp
  • Interview prep is based on the specific jobs you’ve applied for, positioning you as the ideal candidate

add Experience to Your Resume


All Jax Code Academy graduates are eligible for Internship. As a member of the Internship Team, you will actively participate in the software development lifecycle, using cutting-edge technologies and industry-standard tools. Project duration varies, typically from 3 to 8 weeks. 

Specific projects during Internship will vary based on the needs, requirements, and scope of current work within the Internship team. The following focus areas outline the types of work students can explore during Internship.

Web Application Development

Collaborate on developing web applications using modern technologies and frameworks, focusing on both front-end and back-end technologies.

Website Re-Work and Enhancement

Work on revamping existing websites, improving user experience, optimizing performance, and implementing new features based on client requirements.

API Development & Integration

Work on development and integration of custom APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for web applications, allowing seamless data exchange with external services.

Database Integration & Management

Collaborate on web applications, focusing on database structure, designing and implementing data models, and developing efficient data management strategies.

User Interface & Experience (UI/UX)

Focus on designing and coding intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces, considering user experience principles, usability testing, and implementation.

Content Management System (CMS)

Customize and extend the functionality of popular CMS platforms, such as WordPress, by developing custom themes, plugins, modules, and applications.

Stand-Out Experience

Become a Teaching Assistant

Selected students and Interns are invited to assist others! Helping others is a great way to strengthen your skills and a great addition to your resume. By Instructor approval only.

Impress Hiring Managers

Deepen expertise and stand out as a candidate

Leadership Skills

Enhance your leadership skills by helping others

Development Experience

The best way to refine your skills is to teach!

Quick Entry Into The Job Market

Landing a Coding Job

Technology-based industries are growing at a faster rate than ever before. More and more we see different sectors and everyday services relying on technology. This monumental shift is creating a growing need for talented software developers.

Full-Stack developers are top earners. As of Jan 29, 2024, the average annual pay for a Full-Stack Web Developer in Jacksonville is $98,724 a year. Nationwide the average Full-Stack developer salary is $117,880Source: ZipRecruiter

Jax Code Academy graduates have doubled their income right out of bootcamp, and others have landed jobs with some of the world’s leading tech companies.

Applications our current class is working on

Next Class Begins: April 29, 2024

Limited In-person seats.

Attendance Options to Fit Every Schedule


at Jax Code Academy


via Google Meet

Hybrid / Flex

Online & in-person

Virtual Office Hours

Mon-Fri, 10am-10pm

Attend classes in-person, online, or both.

Coding bootcamp is 8 weeks. 

Classes are held Monday-Wednesday, 11am – 2pm.

In-person classes are located in Jacksonville, Florida.


Busy during class time?

All lectures are recorded for later viewing.

Instructors are available 7 days / week via Slack.

Repeat the course one time for FREE.

Next Class Begins: April 29, 2024

Limited In-person seats.

Join Jax Code Academy Graduates in the Tech Industry

Jax Code Academy gives you everything you need to secure a high-paying job 

Front-End Skills

Developing interactive web interfaces

Back-End Skills

Driving applications with powerful server-side code

1-on-1 Mentoring

Tailored guidance for learning and career success

Portfolio Development

Build a standout web portfolio to impress hiring managers

Code on a Team

Seamlessly transition to coding on a dev team at work

Higher Salary Range

Gain the skills and experience needed for a career upgrade

Flexible Schedules

Balance career advancement with your busy life


Jump into the career you need without breaking the bank

LinkedIn profile

A strong professional profile leads to new opportunites

Resume Building

Develop & optimize your resume during bootcamp

Interview Prep

Prepare for the job market & interviews

Coding + AI

AI integrated into the curriculum to stay ahead of the curve


Gain a support system and grow your professional network

Job Search Assist

Apply for jobs DURING bootcamp for expert guidance


Internship adds professional experience to your resume

Become a Teaching Assistant

Add work history to your resume

Next Class Begins: April 29, 2024

Limited In-person seats.

Ready for change

Is Coding & AI Bootcamp right for you?

You are a beginner or intermediate level web developer.

You are passionate about tech and driven towards career growth.

You take action when given an opportunity to build success.

April 29


8 weeks

Program Duration

70K - 140K​

Avg Nationwide
Tech salary range


After Bootcamp (Optional)


Affordable one-on-one learning is what I liked most. Not to mention the friends and contacts I made. It’s also nice to know and see firsthand of the successes of others that have gone through Jax Code Academy.


I got an entry level front end web developer job shortly after training in the boot camp. Very good for asking questions and getting a full scale view of web development, unlike online classes which you can only rewind and only teaches how to code, none of the configuration and UI that comes along with coding that can lead to hours and hours of frustration.


Great hands on coding boot-camp with all of the 1 on 1 learning you need! Dr. Fitzmeyer and his vast knowledge of coding languages including popular languages such as C, python, and JavaScript will help you build a solid foundation to get you started in your coding career!

Join Jax Code Academy Graduates in the tech industry

Ready to launch your career in tech?

Coding & AI Bootcamp is an immersive program which provides the flexibility to fit accelerated career development into your life. Attend in-person, online, or both! All graduates are eligible for Internship.

Best value

Upfront Discount

Pay upfront and save on tuition.

$4000 $2500

Payment Plan

Monthly via Affirm

6, 12, or 24 payments. Interest may apply.

$4000 $2500

U.S. Military

Military Special

Active duty military, Veterans, and family members. Military ID or DD-214 required.

$4500 $3000


Nope! Jax Code Web Academy Bootcamps do not require any prior coding experience or a computer science degree. Programs are beginner friendly.

Yes! Jax Code Academy offers the option to attend classes online, and all lectures are recorded for later viewing. The only requirement is you follow along with the curriculum and are submitting complete assignments within an appropriate timeframe.

In-person classes are currently only available in Jacksonville, FL. However, Jax Code Academy has online students throughout the United States and Canada.

Jax Code Academy Coding & AI Bootcamp is an 8-week program. Students who successfully complete bootcamp are eligible for the optional 3-8 week Internship.

Jax Code Academy bootcamps focus on both project-based learning and assessment training. You’ll work on real-world projects that simulate the work of a professional software developer. We also work on coding challenges to strengthen skills and prepare for interviews.

Jax Code Academy bootcamps are run by experienced instructors and teaching assistants, who are available to answer questions and provide guidance throughout the program. You’ll have access to 1-on-1 mentoring, as well as support from the Jax Code Academy peer community.

Attending a tech bootcamp provides a quicker entry into the job market, as well as access to industry insights and guidance. The addition of Internship, and even becoming a Teaching Assistant, indicates strong experience to hiring managers.

Classes are held Monday – Wednesday, 11am – 2pm EST.

In-person classes are currently only available in Jacksonville, FL. However, Jax Code Academy has online students throughout the United States and Canada.

All lectures are recorded for students to watch a later time.

Life can be unpredictable, which is why we allow students to repeat the course one time without charge.